

the heart of our common life

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8 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Traditional Language)

9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist with Choir, Rite II (Contemporary Language)


7:30 am- Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Traditional Language)

Bread & Wine icon

What to expect

As an Episcopal church, worship is the heart of our common life.

Our worship of God is reverent, spirited and joyful. There is something here for everyone.

Our worship style is broad and flexible with a tendency toward the traditional and formal. You might call it “friendly-formal.”

We engage in liturgy that touches all the senses—sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. You’ll experience inspiring processions, hear sacred music, pass the peace with your neighbor, share bread and wine made holy, and (on special occasions) smell burning incense.

Scene at St. John's: Holy Week & Easter 2018

Font Icon by Kyle Bacon for The Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


The Baptismal Font stands at the entrance to the church as a reminder that we enter into the Christian faith through Baptism. Holy Baptism is the Sacrament of initiation, conferring full membership in the Christian Church.

Except in unusual circumstances, Baptism is celebrated in the context of a Sunday morning Eucharist. Parents and godparents take vows of sponsorship, and members of the congregation renews their own baptismal vows.

If possible, we schedule Baptisms on the following dates:

  • Epiphany/Baptism of our Lord (first Sunday of January)
  • Easter Vigil (night before Easter)
  • Pentecost (seven weeks after Easter)
  • Michaelmas (last Sunday of September)
  • All Saints Sunday (the first Sunday of November)

Baptisms are one of the most joyful occasions celebrated by the community, whether those baptized are infants, children, teens, or adults.

Wedding Bands icon


If you plan to be married, please contact the parish office as soon as possible to check for available dates and to make arrangements with the priest to discuss wedding details.

Only communicants of the congregation are married at St. John’s. If you are not a communicant of St. John’s, you are welcome to become one.

Participation in four pre-wedding counseling sessions with the priest during regular office hours is required.

Gravestone icon


The rite of Burial of the Dead is a solemn occasion and a celebration of the Resurrection.

In the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, the parish columbarium provides a resting place for the ashes of members of the parish.

St. John's Church banner photo

All Saints 2023 Choral Evensong