Author: Aimee Confer
Passing on Faith in Education and Worship
When I became a teacher years ago, I promised myself that I would be a lifelong learner, always striving to incorporate this knowledge into my teaching. I also promised myself and my students that I would reflect on how I chose to teach. I reflect on daily lessons as well as monthly and even yearly … [Read more…]
Suffering and Beauty in the Book of Job
Our present political climate seems to have made the issue of suffering more prescient than ever. And yet while issues come to light, make huge news for a day or two, it seems that the headlines become footnotes in a matter of days. And, soon we have moved on, as the tragedy from a week … [Read more…]
When In Our Music God Is Glorified!
When in our music God is glorified, and adoration leaves no room for pride; it is as if the whole creation cried, “Alleluia!” While there are as many topics regarding hymns as there are hymns, by request, this brief article will focus on my process of hymn selection for our corporate Sunday morning and … [Read more…]
The Cure of Souls by Mother Melissa Wilcox
When I started my ministry as a priest, I served in a large parish as an appointed curate. The Episcopal Church is often known for its unusual nomenclature, but curate was still a word that would elicit many questions when I mentioned my new position. I quickly had to come up with an elevator speech. … [Read more…]
Praying Shapes Believing: Past, Present, and Yet to Come
Praying Shapes Believing: Past, Present, and Yet to Come Written by Father Adam Kradel The hero of our first Book of Common Prayer is Thomas Cranmer (Archbishop of Canterbury 1533-1555). However, and you knew there was a however, if you read a biography of Cranmer, it turns out he was more of a thoughtful editor … [Read more…]